You ARE creative. Let me inspire you!
If you look back at past posts you will see that my blog has been very quiet. In fact it’s been silent for over a year. This post is the beginning of a fresh start for my Angel Whispers Art Blog!
As you can imagine, quite a bit has happened in that time.There is so much that I want to share but too much to put in one post so I will be sharing more of it in special posts that I will call “Looking Back”.
One cool thing happened during the time away from my blog; I overcame my fear and started doodling. I never really liked my doodles so I didn’t doodle often. I decided to stop judging my doodles and just dive in. Practice makes perfect, right?! Well, you might say I need lots more practice, (I know I do!) but I find that it’s fun! Here’s a little flower doodle I did last November…
Like I said, I need LOTS of practice!
It all started when I was visiting my sister in Minnesota. I brought some pens and drawing paper. It was intended to be a relaxing visit and I found myself going crazy with doodles. I don’t know where they were coming from. I guess I found my muse (or maybe I was possessed, I’m not sure). Here are some of the doodles that I created during that visit….
After creating these doodles I discovered Zentangle, a method created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. I am hooked on Zentangle but more on that in a future post. If your curiosity is too much to bear then just search for Zentangle on Pinterest and you are sure to see why I love it!
Til next time…Be You & Be Happy!
Brenda C.