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Fresh Starts

If you look back at past posts you will see that my blog has been very quiet. In fact it’s been silent for over a year. This post is the beginning of a fresh start for my Angel Whispers Art Blog!

As you can imagine, quite a bit has happened in that time.There is so much that I want to share but too much to put in one post so I will be sharing more of it in special posts that I will call “Looking Back”.

One cool thing happened during the time away from my blog; I overcame my fear and started doodling. I never really liked my doodles so I didn’t doodle often. I decided to stop judging my doodles and just dive in. Practice makes perfect, right?! Well, you might say I need lots more practice, (I know I do!) but I find that it’s fun! Here’s a little flower doodle I did last November…


Like I said, I need LOTS of practice!

It all started when I was visiting my sister in Minnesota. I brought some pens and drawing paper. It was intended to be a relaxing visit and I found myself going crazy with doodles. I don’t know where they were coming from. I guess I found my muse (or maybe I was possessed, I’m not sure). Here are some of the doodles that I created during that visit….




After creating these doodles I discovered Zentangle, a method created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. I am hooked on Zentangle but more on that in a future post. If your curiosity is too much to bear then just search for Zentangle on Pinterest and you are sure to see why I love it!

Til next time…Be You & Be Happy!

Brenda C.