You ARE creative. Let me inspire you!
On Saturday I taught a new Zentangle class. This one was called Zen Garden. My students have been requesting that I teach organic tangles, or tangles that look like plants & flowers. I have to admit that I had lots of fun researching organic tangles and practicing my favorites! I used my journal for this and I LOVE my Zentangle journal! Here are the journal pages with my tangles. I did not shade the tangles with one exception and you can really see the difference that the shading makes when you compare the un-shaded tangles to the tangle in the bottom right corner, Squid!
My studio was all ready and each student’s space held the class goodies.
And so we began with the tangles. I chose 4 to teach; Cyme, Ynix, Squid, & Poke Leaf. Each student got 4 Bijou tiles and used them to practice the tangles.
They wanted more so I also taught them Verdigogh (even though I spelled it incorrectly on my sheet, oh no! It has a “d” not a “t”.)
I was amazed at how well everyone did right away with the new tangles! I think they all really enjoyed this class!
And here is the mosaic of the tiles made during class.
I enjoyed our afternoon in our Zen Garden! Thanks for looking!
Til next time. Be you and Be Happy!